
Eureka seven ao and fleur
Eureka seven ao and fleur

We’ve decided for keeping the foreign words and carefully adapting them, and against some flashy reinterpretation since we value unobtrusiveness in our subs. This time around, we also get broken German and broken French, sometimes even in the same lines, much to my displeasure.

  • Bones are kinda infamous for the broken English they casually strew about in their shows.
  • Speaking of Caster Friday: she is wearing classic Christian Louboutins, and she is wearing them really well.
  • Friday is later seen climbing one of the Grossmünster twin towers, said church towers probably being Zurich’s most famous symbols apart from obscenely expensive costs of living and greedy bankers that are bringing the downfall of global civilization as we know it with their ruthless abuse of international finance and trade mechanisms. The “Sechseläuten park” that Juno mentions does not exist he means the Bellevue square most probably. The Zurich tour is a bit more extensive, but mostly takes place in the historical city center: the Stüssihofstatt in Niederdorf, the super exclusive shopping avenue Bahnhofstrasse (Swiss don’t into ß), the Limmatquai, and the Rathaus. You can see the Zytglogge and the Käfigturm, two of the capital city’s landmarks, on the pics they briefly show roughly halfway through the episode.
  • The OVA showcases a couple of landmarks in Bern and Zurich.
  • Either way: this is how Zurich greets springtime. One of the highlights is burning a snowman ragdoll in effigy, going by the lovely name of Böögg. “Sechs” means six and “läuten” means ringing: the Fraumünster bells ring at 6pm on every 3rd Monday of April to signify the end of wintertime it had a more pragmatic reason in earlier times, but these days, it’s something of a normal festival including a parade.
  • Ao and the other girls visit the city of Zurich for a spring festival called Sechseläuten.
  • Hit that up on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap if you want to follow their itinerary or the iOS 6 map if you want to watch the world burn.
  • Fleur, Elena and Ao set out for a short two-day field trip that takes them across Switzerland, from their Jungfrau HQ via Bern (taking the Jungfraubahn, a famous rack railway, for a bit) to Zurich and then back south to the Italian border near Lugano and Locarno.
  • (Ignore the sign at the end by the way, Wilchingen is near the German border.) The surrounding area goes by the name of Jungfrau-Aletsch these days and is a World Natural Heritage site. The Jungfrau is considered something of a primus inter pares of the Swiss Alps next to the slightly more famous Matterhorn (… primi inter pares then).
  • The Generation Bleu HQ is firmly lodged into the Jungfrau, crowning the Bernese Alps as one of its main summits.
  • There’s a bunch of cultural and local references in this OVA that need some explaining we’ve decided against cramming countless TL notes into the episode, so enjoy this bonus content here after you’ve watched the episode (since it’s got a couple of spoilers). Visit beautiful Switzerland!Įureka Seven AO: Jungfrau no Hanabana-tachi It takes place at some point between episodes #7 and #12 and doesn’t really add anything substantial to the story – it’s a silly, slightly fanservice-y bonus episode, and a nice promo video for Switzerland.

    Eureka seven ao and fleur ps3#

    This OVA is part of a bundle with a PS3 game for Eureka Seven AO which hit Japanese stores in late September.

    Eureka seven ao and fleur